Old and yellowed orchid, the ingredient to resurrect it in no time

Revitalize Your Old and Yellowed Orchid with This Antioxidant Miracle


The orchid, a tropical plant accustomed to humid heat, can suffer from yellowing due to various causes, including its natural life cycle and improper care. To resurrect your orchid and witness a stunning transformation, consider the following tips:

Understanding Yellowing Causes:

Yellowing leaves in an orchid may result from the natural life cycle, where aging roots cease to nourish lower leaves. Avoid removing or cutting yellowed leaves, as it increases the risk of diseases. Only remove completely dried-out leaves without causing harm.

Optimal Placement:

As a tropical plant, the orchid prefers indirect sunlight and should be placed in shaded areas, such as under the thick foliage of trees. During summer, position it near a north window, and during winter, opt for a south window. Adding a curtain to the window helps avoid direct sunlight exposure.


Temperature Preferences:

Maintain a temperature between fifteen and 25 degrees Celsius for the orchid. Extreme temperatures, either too high or too cold, can initiate an oxidative process and accelerate plant death. Prevent heat stress by regulating the environment.

Avoid Overwatering:

Excessive watering accelerates yellowing and may lead to root rot. Adequate watering, allowing the plant to absorb nutrients properly, is essential for the orchid’s health.

Antioxidant Intervention:

To counteract yellowing and give your orchid a second life, use a tablespoon of turmeric powder. Turmeric, a potent antioxidant, aids in disinfecting decaying roots. Mix the powder with a little water and spray it on the yellowed leaves. This solution can also be applied directly to the roots.

Encourage Growth:

If your orchid has lost its flowers, consider fertilizing the plant to stimulate growth and development.


Embrace the power of turmeric to revitalize your orchid and witness the miraculous transformation as it returns to its vibrant and healthy state.