How to grow hydrangea, tradescantia, and hyacinth at home the easy way

Hyacinth, tradescantia, and hydrangea are three flowering plants that can be grown indoors. Plants that offer a beautiful look and elevate any decor setting at home. Having one of three plants, or even all three, will give a fresh and lovely splash of color that makes us happy. Find out the basic information needed to care for these three plants.

Keep reading for How to Grow Hydrangea, Tradescantia, and Hyacinth at Home The Easy Way.

How to grow hycinth in water?

Hyacinth can be grown as indoor plants. You can grow the in water, as shown. To grow them in water, the bulbs must be chilled in a refrigerator for 8-10 weeks before planting. Choose a glass bulb that allows the hyacinth bulb to sit on the neck of the glass without soaking the entire bulb. Place it in a cool, dark environment to encourage root and flower growth.

Growing hycinth in indoor potting soil

This Hyacinth ‘Kronos’ will bring a splash of exotic color to your home. Hyacinth can be grown indoors with high-quality potting soil. If you bought it from a nursery, plant it in a large container and place it in a well-lit area. Water the plant regularly, but do not overwater it. When it bloom, feed the plant weekly.

Easy ways to grow tradescantia

Tradescantia is a low-maintenance indoor plant. This plant will give you gorgeous foliage in green with a charming purplish color. Use a potting soil mix that drains well. Tradescantia prefers bright, indirect light. Plenty of bright, indirect light will keep the color of its leaves. In contrast, a lack of light causes the color of its leaves to fade.

Watering and feeding tradescantia

Tradescantia thrives in  moist environment. Don’t let this plant get too dry! You can water it once a week when the top inch of soil feels dry to touch! Do not overwater as it is sensitive to rotting. Apply monthly fertilizer in the spring to boos the plant’s growth.

Tips for hydrange care at home

Plants with colorful flower cluster are as beautiful as a flower bouquet. Hydrangeas have been grown successfully as indoor flowering plants. These plants do well with high-quality potting soil. Place it in a brightly lit area to maintain its bloom, but keep it away from direct sunlight. When blooming, hydrangeas need daily watering.

Temperature and humidity for hydrangea

Hydrangea blooms will remain healthy in cold temperatures around 50 to 60 degrees. During fall and early winter, these plants do well with temperature of 45 degrees. Place hydrangeas in normal to high humidity. You can add a humidifier if necessary. Dry air from heat sources will make them wilt and die quickly.

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