I make a very powerful fertilizer with a few cents and my plants flower in no time!

Revolutionize Indoor Plant Care with Homemade Oatmeal Fertilizer

Cultivating thriving indoor plants often demands a substantial investment of time and attention, particularly in nutrient-rich soil. While many resort to store-bought fertilizers, the results can be disappointing or even nonexistent despite hefty expenditures. To sidestep such outcomes, an economical and homemade fertilizer offers a sustainable alternative that not only fosters plant growth but also safeguards against pests.

The Secret Ingredient: Oatmeal Fertilizer

This DIY fertilizer, featuring oats as the star ingredient, boasts a dual function of nourishing plants and shielding them from potential threats. Oats contribute essential phosphorus and potassium—vital trace elements that promote flourishing. Particularly beneficial during colder seasons, this homemade blend accelerates plant growth with its rich mineral and vitamin content.

Moreover, oats play a role in fortifying roots through the infusion of calcium, enhancing overall plant stability. Crafting this economical and environmentally friendly fertilizer requires just two readily available ingredients.


  1. 1 cup oatmeal
  2. 1 cup warm water

Simple Steps to Homemade Bliss

  1. Mixing:
    • Combine the oatmeal and warm water in a large bowl, ensuring a thorough and lump-free blend.
  2. Resting Period:
    • Allow the mixture to rest at room temperature for 60 minutes, permitting the ingredients to harmonize.
  3. Final Blend:
    • After the designated time elapses, the fertilizer is ready. A final mix ensures even distribution, preventing settling at the bottom.

Application Wisdom

  • For optimal absorption, apply the fertilizer in the morning, providing plants ample time to assimilate the nutrients throughout the day.

Storage Tip

  • Refrigerate the natural fertilizer, extending its shelf life to approximately two months.

By adopting this straightforward method, you eliminate the need for additional expenses and sidestep the potential risks associated with chemical fertilizers. Welcome a sustainable and cost-effective approach to nurturing your indoor haven.